Woe betide the man who stand opposed to the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward. Woe betide the man who stands with the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward.

D'andala Onik

Seeker of the Sun | ♀ she/her | 22 (ARR)The Warrior of Light, a young Thavnairian prodigy with more than enough talent to back up her vanity and confidence. When she first left home it was to follow her dream of writing her own stories, and she often helped people for her own benefit rather than out of the kindness of her heart. However, though she won't readily admit it, as time goes on she's starting to sing a different, softer, tune.
Charming, adventurous and musically gifted, she's a dancer and bard by trade, as well as a skilled ninja and bloodthirsty dark knight.
She resides in Limsa Lominsa, where she helps out at the culinarian guild in her down time.
[ playlist ]In another life, Helios held the fourteenth seat of the Convocation alongside Helios' twin, Selune. The two shared the title of Azem, as well as the responsibilities that came with it.
Helios had unspoken romantic feelings for Venat.

Leih'to Jakkya & G'raha Tia.
had unspoken romantic feelings for Minfilia Warde; had a fling with Jacke Swallow during ARR.
Important connections:
• Leih'to Jakkya: boyfriend, best friend, twin soul, fellow Warrior of Light.
• D'vynka Tia: little brother, best friend.
• Ukyo Monceaux: close friend, companion.
• L'hoa Amariyo: best friend.

Ukyo Monceaux

Raen Au Ra | ♂ he/him | 24 (ARR)The young Prince of a fallen nation, Ukyo was raised from infancy among Ishgardian nobility after he and a few of his caretakers arrived to Coerthas as refugees, having survived Garlean attacks in the Far East.
His adoptive mother sent him to study summoning in Sharlayan after he showed a natural talent for it, and he spent most of his teenage years on the island. Now an Archon and Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Ukyo has an unique fighting style as a machinist and summoner hybrid. Although irresponsible and clumsy, he's polite, genuine, and quite the gentleman.
[ playlist ]In another life, Pylades was Loghrif's young apprentice. He held great admiration for Azem, especially so after his dear friend Erichthonios' tales about their familiars.

D'vynka Tia.
had unresolved romantic feelings towards his childhood best friend, Haurchefant Greystone.
Important connections:
• D'vynka Tia: boyfriend, best friend.
• D'andala Onik: close friend, the warrior of light.
• Leih'to Jakkya: close friend, the warrior of light.
• Joule Monceaux: mother.

Umbra Neve

Rava Viera | ♀ she/her | 140 (ARR)The legendary Warrior of Light who fought against but ultimately failed to prevent the fall of Dalamud alongside the Path of the Twelve. A self-taught astrologian who left the safety of the forests for a life of adventure up in the big open sky. Although she'd been able to hear the Mother Crystal's voice since her youth, it was only after retiring from sky piracy that the call of her destiny became urgent.
Umbra's heart is filled to the brim with love for Etheirys–her own two children above all–and her hand holds steadfast onto her red mage rapier, ready to risk it all for them. But she's not only a legend; she's a person too, and a playful one at that. She daydreams of a simple life and has been known to take prolonged breaks from saving the universe, having chosen Ishgard as her little corner of the world.
In another life, Kore held the seat of Azem. Most joyfully, he also held Emet Selch and Hythlodaeus, his beloved partners, whenever he had the chance to.

Aymeric de Borel | Hades & Hythlodaeus.
she's a widow. she was also in a relationship with Cid Garlond pre-calamity.
Important connections:
• Bianca Neve: beloved daughter, companion.
• Javi Neve: beloved son, path companion, fellow Warrior of Light.
• Nickel Qestir: companion, dear friend.
• Szymon Pearlchaser: husband, Captain. ( † )

Javi Neve

Rava Viera | ⚦ he/him | 30 (ARR)A Warrior of Light of legend, who once fought as path companion to his mother to prevent the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Although young for a Viera, he lives every day like it could be his last–the weight of their failure and Louisoix's sacrifice resting heavy on his shoulders, though his disposition hardly shows it. Having been born aboard his parents' sky pirate ship, being a wanderer is in his nature; he loves running around, climbing onto rooftops, and sparring; always shaking one of his legs whenever he has to sit still. Despite being a bit rowdy at times, he's very capable of getting his way using nothing but his words. Charming yet humble and kind, he has unwittingly broken many hearts.
Though he grew up fighting with a style resembling a paladin's, upon revisiting Gridania after the Calamity, he took an interest in fighting as a dragoon.
In another life, Kassandra was Kore's younger sibling. They were good friends with Hythlodaeus, and it was him that nominated her to take over as head of Elpis after Hermes joined the Convocation.

Estinien Varlineau & Gaius Baelsar.
had several rendezvous with Leofard Myste and Hien Rijin.
Important connections:
• Umbra Neve: mother, fellow Warrior of Light.
• Bianca Neve: eldest sister, companion, best friend and sole confidant.
• Nickel Qestir: brotherlike friend, companion.
• Szymon Pearlchaser: father. ( † )

Nickel Qestir

Xaela Au Ra | ♂ he/him | 26 (HW)A silent mercenary who joined the Warriors of Light on their journey, looking for purpose after he was exiled from his tribe. He found it in the shape of a new family to love and protect.
An unstoppable beast of a warrior, he won the Nadaam for the Scions and stayed behind as the new Khagan of the Steppe. Under his rule, the tribes answer the call whenever the Scions need the extra might. Through winning the Nadaam, he also seems to have found some measure of atonement for his past–though whatever happened back then and however he feels about it now, he doesn't talk about it.
Although outwardly prickly, deep down he's very affection-starved.
In another life, Lycaon was an accomplished researcher in Elpis, responsible for many lupine concepts. She was a close friend of Kassandra's, and in a relationship with Epione.

Bianca Neve.Important connections:
• Bianca Neve: girlfriend, closest friend, guiding star.
• Umbra Neve: the Warrior of Light, motherlike figure.
• Javi Neve: the Warrior of Light, brotherlike friend.
• Chandra Qestir: mother. ( † )

Finn Oz

Veena Viera | ⚧ he/him | ??A skilled fighter, survivor from Dalmasca. His childhood was short-lived, as he and his friends joined the resistance when they were teenagers. Although he was never formerly trained, he had enough brains and brawn to succeed in ever mission he was sent to–except for the very last.
After experiencing the loss and heartbreak of war, and a most bitter betrayal, he held onto his twisted feelings of revenge and loneliness, seeing the world in shades of black and white for a long, long time. However, after joining the Lemures, befriending people from a nation he'd sworn to hate, and stumbling into childhood friends he'd long sought to forget, splashes of color seem to be popping up wherever he stubbornly averts his gaze to.
Finn is a tired, punch first and ask questions later kind of reaper. He has an interest in weapons and magitek, and likes to tinker.
In another life, Charon was one of Pandæmonium's warders. When he wasn't on the clock, he spent most of his time either complaining about his work to Igeyorhm, or trying to coax a smile from Hermes, who he'd been sweet on for ages.

Urianger Augurelt.
formerly in a relationship with Medraut Val and Zrírpi Ymir.
Important connections:
• Medraut Val: childhood friend, ex-boyfriend, the Warrior of Light.
• Ellery Hart: childhood friend, brotherlike figure.
• Isolde Val: childhood friend, sisterlike figure.
• Zrírpi Ymir: childhood friend, ex-boyfriend. ( † )

Mizar Lux Angenatis

Garlean | ⚦ he/him | 30 (ARR)The Warrior of Light, otherwise known as a "miracle of science" by his countrymen. Mizar is the first pureblood conjurer, a former Medicus under Nael van Darnus' banner. He fell to the Eorzean Alliance during the Battle of Carteneau and would have died had his predecessor not spared his life. After escaping the battlefield by all accounts a deserter, he was found by Ser Ompagne, who took him under his wing and taught him the ways of the dark knight alongside his other two pupils. The darkness that clings to him manifests in the form of Darnus, once his Legatus and now his living shadow.
Stoic but gentle, he sometimes still struggles to balance the darkness of his past with the light that Hydaelyn has entrusted to him.
In another life, Macaria held the fourteenth seat of the Convocation. They spent most of their time on the move, only stopping when their best friends Emet Selch and Hythlodaeus requested their presence, or when distance from their beloved Elidibus was too much to bear.

Ardbert Hylfyst.
queerplatonic relationship with Fray Myste and Sidurgu Orl. homoerotic vitriolic dynamic with Altan Dotharl.
Important connections:
• Lucienne Liehta: mentor, friend, companion, the former Warrior of Light.
• Breanne Viras: sisterlike friend, companion.
• Altan Dotharl: friend, companion, very complicated relationship.

Lucienne Liehta

Keeper of the Moon | ♀ she/her | 26 (ARR)Lucienne is a Sharlayan Archon, a studious sage and alchemist. Though content with her current role as a Scion of the Seventh Dawn, before the Calamity she'd been none other than the Warrior of Light who'd fought the Empire and tried to prevent the fall of Dalamud. Although Louisoix saved her life by sending her to the aetherial rift right before his sacrifice, the time she spent there stripped her of her connection to aether. The only reason she was able to rejoin her friends and continue to fight for the realm is that her twin brother, a professor and researcher in Sharlayan, developed sage arms for her to control without having to use aether, inspired by Garlean magitek.
Despite all the grief she has experienced over the years since first leaving the security of her native island, Luce's never once lost sight of her ideals. She is caring and helpful by nature, but she is incapable of schooling her expression or holding her tongue when something vexes her–which is quite often and easily done.
In another life, Hypnos previously held the seat of Emmerololth in the Convocation of Fourteen. Rather than return to the Star after stepping down, she elected to wait for her twin sibling, Thanatos, to be ready as well.

Y'shtola Rhul.Important connections:
• Mizar Angenatis: friend, the Warrior of Light.
• Altan Dotharl: best friend.
• Breanne Viras: close friend.
• Gabriel Liehta: twin brother.

♥ thank you for reading ♥
all characters belong to me or my friends !
final fantasy xiv © square enix.